CrayCray Craft Day: Pendant Pandemonium

I stock up on cheap granny glasses and pop out the lenses. 
I finally got around to making them into pendants/brooches during my CrayCray Craft Day. 

The tools of the trade: 
Scissors, hot glue gun, pliers, hardcore glue, jewelry findings, mod podge, 
varnish, ribbon, scrapbook paper,  and magazine images. 
Oh, I forgot the sweat and tears...I kid, I kid.

My mom was sitting at the dining room table with me as I was crafting, 
but she is just a tad bit camera shy.

Here's the backside of the finished product. 
You can see how these babies serve double-duty as both pendant and brooch. 
Pretty shnazzy, eh?

I had to keep one for myself. This particular image is really great. 
It's another one of those slightly inappropriate but no one can tell unless they stare really hard and really closely. 
My mom thinks I'm a pervert.

For Your Viewing Pleasure: The Nuddy Pants Pendant
I wore this on Tuesday for a day of 
thrifting, movies, kitty-cats, dinner, and ice cream with the lovely Mango!
->NuddyPants eyeglass lens pendant/brooch - DIY
->Black Turban, $5 - Asian Hair Store
-> Striped Dress worn as a Tank, $12 - TJ Maxx
-> Hemmed Khaki Skirt - Thrifted/DIY

I have yet to update my etsy shop
mostly because I'm letting the locals get first dibs on the merchandise and! 
because I'm lazy. Mostly because I'm lazy. 
Speaking of, I should start packing for Spain! 

Starr Crow  – (June 25, 2010 at 12:00 PM)  

so yeah, this necklace is incredible. i'm tweetin' this.

Oh, My Darling  – (June 27, 2010 at 10:17 AM)  

I just found your blog, and it's a delight to read! I love these crafty tutorials -- I'm glad to be a new follower so that I can read more

Ginna FunkWallace  – (July 29, 2010 at 5:17 PM)  

Been catching up on your Spain posts and seeing "nuddy" referenced frequently. Do you mean "nudie"? Because double consonants make short vowels, as in Ginna and Nutty.

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