Unique Madrid Fashion: Mari Carmen Guapa

This classy vintage business card belongs to the store, Mari Carmen Guapa. The store front caught Venetia's eye as we were scouring through El Rastro on Sunday. Typically, you won't find a single store open on Sunday here in Spain, it's truly a Lazy Sunday. However, many stores located around El Rastro are open to make the most of El Rastro's large crowds. It was nice to escape the tumble and jumble of the outside world.

Here's the inside of the store. They specialize in vintage-inspired kids and womens fashion. I found the cutest lederhosens-style overalls for kiddies. Just too precious for words.
Everything is really well organized and easy to navigate.
Their skirts and frocks are reminiscent of the 50s and 60s and made in the most darling of fabrics. Pictured here is an adorable dress in an equally adorable mushroom print. They have the same cuts and styles of dresses in an assortment of prints. 
I saw drool-worthy swirls, strawberries, scooters, and other quirky prints.
You can also find some fun accessories to pair with their fun clothes. I couldn't help but get inspired by their nifty headbands and small stuffed creature pins. I'll have to try and make my own once I get home!

I had a good time watching Venetia go absolutely gaga over everything in the store. 
After much deliberation, I believe she finally decided on two skirts! 
They fit her perfectly, size-wise and personality-wise!

This is the display they had set up in the back of the store. 
You can see the little lederhosens that I mentioned earlier. 
Aren't they just adorable?

Old magazines with plenty of inspiration for this collective of young designers.

I especially loved the knick-knacks they had set up near the register. 
I couldn't help but snap a quick photo!

Mari Carmen Guapa satisfies the need for vintage and quirky, without the pit stains or polyester. I'm truly inspired to dig up some vintage patterns and try my hand at making some garments of my own! 
We enjoyed our stay, especially since the clerks were so nice and helpful 
(even if our Spanish wasn't up to par!).
But don't take my word for it.
Check 'em out for yourself!

Until next time, ♥.

Anna  – (July 28, 2010 at 7:28 AM)  

I think I know this store. I absolutely LOVE it!

Thank you so much for your email, it is nice to receive some sorto of response from the cool people that I meet on the streets!
Enjoy Madrid!

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