Oh, the Humanity!
>> 4.01.2010 –
Art Show,
Epic Fail,
Eyeglass Pendant,
I wore my favorite Threadless t-shirt today:
"The Communist Party" by Tom Burns.
Whilst waiting outside of my Designing with New Technologies class, a fellow comrade (chortle) was naming everyone in the image. Afterwards, another classmate asked me where Hitler was. I laughed, half expecting it to be a witty April Fool's joke. I managed to say "He was Fascist" between laughs.
From the expression on her face, I quickly realized that this was no joke.
Oh geez, I nearly peed my pants.
"Communists, Fascists...they all crazy anyways."
Check out
to snag your very own Communist Party t-shirt.
Also, our smARTS Show Haiti Benefit raked in a little over a grand...that's more than $1000 for Haiti! (All of my goods sold!!! Yippeee!) The relief benefit part deux--this time for Chile--takes place on Monday in a Craft-Bake Sale Hybrid, right here on campus.
We rock!! Also, I think there may be a date for the other Chilean thing, but I think it's the same day as the Donaghey Picnic, so we gotta figure stuff out.Show me how to make my blog pretty!!
Oh my gosh. I lol'd. c: